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SIGFest 2018 Event Recap:
We'd like to thank the many sponsors who supported our event this year: BMW of Tenafly, Morristown BMW, Bimmerworld, Turner Motorsports, Mr. M Car, Bavarian Autosport, Redline Motorsports, Lance Richert, Enthusiast Auto, MiniBimmers, BMW of Bloomfield, Bridgewater BMW, Detailer's Domain, Circle BMW, FCP Euro, Rogue Engineering, The BMW CCA Foundation, Vintage Sports and Racing, Bose, and the Berkshire Brewing Co..
Friday Night Kickoff Dinner at Marina Bar and Grill
We had a great turnout for Friday night's SIGFest 2018 kick off dinner. Initially there were just five of us, but as participants arrived the Marina Bar and Grill had to add tables to accommodate all 14 of us.
Saturday started with cold rain, but this is SIGFest, and we are used to dealing with the weather. The rain clouds cleared out by 11am, leaving us with a sunny fall day to enjoy the assortment of 47 beautiful E30 M3's and their proud owners that were in attendance.
We had 6 trophies for this year's event, which were custom made (and welded by yours truly Tony Rausch) from E30 M3 Cam Gears and (very) bent valves. The trophy categories this year were:
Best Of Show
Best Stock
Best Modified
Road Warrior
SIGMeister's Choice
See the 2018 Award Winners in our Photo Gallery
After the awards were given to their deserving owners, it was time to raffle off a few prizes. Our generous sponsors really came through for us this year. I would say that there were not any prizes given out the worth less than $25 (making the event essentially free to those who paid the $25 registration fee for lunch). MOST of the prizes were worth between $25 and $100. We have our sponsors (mentioned above) to thank for this. Please, Please, Please: if you enjoy attending SIGFest, and you like the raffle-
A) Contact the sponsor who donated the prize that you won, and thank them for their generous contribution and their support for SIGFest
B) Consider making your next purchase from one of the sponsors who make this portion of our event possible
In addition to the fantastic prizes that we raffled off to all that were in attendance, there were a few extra special particularly exclusive / expensive prizes that those who chose to purchase a premium raffle ticket could win.
BMW of Tenafly donated a BMW Bicycle ($1500), Morristown BMW donated a BMW leather desk set ($600), Bridgewater BMW donated a BMW watch ($300), Detailers Domain donated a wash and detail kit ($400), The BMW CCA Foundation donated an HPDE (Drivers School) event ($300), We created a Gift Card Prize Package worth about $500 in Rogue Engineering, FCP Euro, Turner Motorsports, and Bimmerworld gift cards, donated an exclusive and rare skateboard deck which features an image of an E30 M3 valve cover (Quick side note that I think all should hear: many of the prizes are displayed during the event at the registration table, and one of the kids accompanying a participant was fixated on the skateboard deck the entire event. When the drawing was being made for this beautiful item, his ticket was not the winning number. The winning ticket was held by SIGFest regular Andy Hong. Seeing the little boy's disappointment, Andy quickly walked over and handed the skateboard deck to him and walked away. Andy- you are one of a kind!
This is the type of community and generosity that makes the SIG and S14 community worth belonging to, and really the best, most tight-knot BMW community around.
As one of my favorite people that I know once told me about SIGFest- "You come for the cars, you stay for the people". I think that about sums it up.
In addition to my sincere thanks to all of our sponsors, I want to thank a few people in particular for their help organizing SIGFest this year: My wife Laura and my kids, Anthony and Avery thanks for all of the help and support. James and Shawna Liu and John Henriquez you all do so much to make SIGFest possible. It wouldn't happen without your efforts. Don Fields and Dwayne Hausman. Thanks for your support and enthusiasm in assisting me with my own E30 M3 and for assistance in obtaining parts to build trophies amongst other things. Ron Checca Thanks for donating E30 M3 parts used to make the trophies.
Lastly, I want to thank all of you who attend this event every year. Life is busy, and SIGFest seems to get more difficult to organize each year as time and other resources seem to get stretched further and further. We do this event because people just love it, so please keep attending so we can keep putting on this great grassroots event.
Tony Rausch and the E30 M3 SIGFest Crew: James Liu and John Henriquez
Now Officially Working on SIGFest 2019: Our 20th Annual Event!